Theory: Hyperborea ~ Rh Negative World Migration
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
by Neil (Unknown)
You will notice that many DNA studies on line ONLY track the SERPENT BLOODLINES with the Rh Negative blood factor. These studies focus on the Basque area of Europe. These studies DO NOT track the PURE RH NEGATIVE BLOODLINE FACTOR group back to Hyperborea.
These studies also track the Rh Negative bloodlines to a place in Europe where inbreeding occurred. These studies take us back to a place where the DARK HAIR DARK EYED RACES mingled their seed in with the BLONDE BLUE-EYED Scandinavians in places like the Iberian Peninsula, France and the British Isles.
Some scientists would have us believe that the human race started in Africa despite the fact that the oldest mummies found in recent archeological digs all over the world were of Scandinavian. Some scientists state that mankind evolve from monkeys somewhere in Africa, but cannot find the missing link between the Rhesus Monkey and human beings. This scientific opinion has always been a highly contested theory.
Most people have wondered where these Scandinavian races came from before the Ice Age. Legends and language tell us that these Scandinavians came from the Hyperborean Regions, which at one time in our not to distant past, was a warm climate that sat by the equator until the earth’s shift moved the lands we now call the North and South Pole it into the arctic regions, CAUSING IT’S INHABITANTS TO MIGRATE DOWN TO GLOBAL AREAS IN THE WORLD KNOWN AS ATLANTIS, Lumeria etc.
ALL OF OUR ORIGINAL ANCESTORS ORIGINATED IN HYPERBOREA when the continents of our earth were joined together or in different locations from where they are today due to pole shifts which have happened in the past breaking up what used to be one land mass into 7 continents. History, archeology, science and legends tell us that the dark haired races bred into or with the Scandinavian races to form a variety of people groups such as the Basques, Anglo-Saxons, Scythians, and Aryans etc. The group of human beings who are positive with Rhesus Monkey DNA who have the Rh Positive blood factor, which are associated with Africa were referred to as the original Eves. The original Adams were actually associated with Indian populations through out the world and in North and South America.
Legends from India indicate that the cradle of humanity originated in the North Pole and South Pole regions. The Hindus believe that their families really descended from the lowest and most miserable of India's four castes known as the Sudras who were a servant class who were considered to be unclean and untouchable.
“The 4th group, sudra, denotes the service communities - manual and agricultural labourers, artisans, masons, etc. Although they lived on the fringes of society, the "outcastes" or "untouchables", the 5th group in the hierarchy, were still very much a part of mainstream society as the tasks of scavenging, cleaning up after funerals, killing or hunting animals for food, working in leather and other unclean materials, all fell to them. Mahatma Gandhi in the 1940s renamed them harijan, which when literally translated means "the people of God".
As a matter of fact the British Royal Family also came from the lowest of the low class as did the Blue Bloods of Europe to rule Europe. These Blue Blood families are said to have stolen THE DIVINE RIGHT TO RULE the world from their Scandinavian predecessors before recorded history. The British Royals and Blue Bloods of Europe appear to be a bloodline of people with Scandinavian DNA and the DNA of a dark race who may have been the “Sea People.” The Royals and “Blue Bloods” can be tracked back to the Lost Tribe of Dan and Cain in the Old Testament who are described as having had red hair and green-eyes. They are also referred to as the “Serpent Bloodline” or “Reptilian Bloodline.” The Bloodline of Cain or Dan migrated into Europe from the Mediterranean Sea into Spain, France and the British Isles with the aid of the “Sea People.”
Further some even say these royal “Blue Bloods,” are a hybrid human reptilian bloodline with Neanderthal DNA. Science tells us that the red hair DNA did not originate with human beings but was Neanderthal DNA. If this is true, they are not the original bloodline on earth and worse than that they have demonic reptilian DNA flowing through their veins.
It would appear that the Hindus ancient history is wrapped round spiritual traditions that occurred, not in the ancient Indian subcontinent, but thousands of miles northward at the North Pole region, which ancient peoples referred to as Hyperborea, the Land of the Gods, etc!
The ancient histories of all the major nations and religions on earth mention a time when several races of mankind lived in a temperate paradise at what is now the North Pole. All ancient races referred to Hyperborea as a paradise, a “GARDEN OF EDEN,” region. These legends tell us that the Scandinavian race was the original race in Hyperborea until the gods came down and started to rape and manipulate the DNA of the original Scandinavians creating hybrid races of genetically altered human beings. These evil gods began a human hybrid program in Hyperborea, which is eerily similar to what was being described in Genesis Chapter 6. This chapter in the Old Testament describes the “Fallen Angels or Watchers” who we refer to today as the Nordic Aryan Alien “ Fallen Watchers.” These evil fallen demonic entities came into our three-dimensional world to rape woman and tampered with human DNA. All cultures also speak of reptilian gods who created a hybrid race of kings and queens that sat on the thrones of all ancient kingdoms that can be tracked back to ancient Sumer Babylon in Iraq.
When you read the “Scuttle Butt” on line regarding the PURE Rh Negative blood factor we find that some experts believe the PURE Rh Negative bloodline is of unknown origins. I wonder if that is simply because they do not track the origins back to Hyperborea, they only track their studies back as far as northern Europe to the area the Serpent bloodline of Can and Dan migrated into and bred with. These authors then make a MAJOR LEAP and assume that those who actually have the PURE Rh Negative blood factor came from other planets and were not a people group who originated on earth but that they are aliens or were created by aliens.
According to Jesus (Yashua) he and his creative forces, which were known as the Aeons or the “Watchers” created the earth and all life on earth originally. This original race of human beings was created to look like the Watchers aka good angels or guardian angels. Then the souls or spirit beings from heaven were fused into these bodies and Real Man (Soul) became a physical being (operated from inside the body) created by the Watchers. Similar to what happens when we hop into our cars and use them to get around in as we travel. We do not know why physical man was created no one does.
At some point part of the group known as the “Watchers” fell from grace and became the “Fallen Watchers” or what we call the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers” today. Once the “Fallen Watchers” entered the picture things changed.
Another group of evil entities entered our three dimensional world that were created by Yaldabaoth the Demiurge, they were reptilian entities. One of these entities was known as Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge, who was one of the 6 sons of god Yaldabaoth the Demiurge, is the evil entity the Judah Jews worshipped. The Israelites worshipped the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers” or the Elohim.
Once the physical bodies had been created these evil artisans known as the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers” and the “Reptilians were able to rape and clone human DNA.
Those falling for the “Alien Agenda’s” believe that the demonic entities we wrongly call Aliens today, created human beings. However if these people would simply DO THEIR HOMEWORK and dig deeper they would find that the entities who came into our three-dimensional world to rape and clone human beings were NOT CAPABLE OF CREATING HUMAN BEINGS AND ARE STILL NOT ABLE TO. Even the Old Testament story of these “Fallen Watchers” states this.
These entities did have the ability to rape women and clone hybrids using human, reptilian, animal and bird DNA, which is how the “Serpent Bloodlines” were created. This illicit sexual activity with the gods is the actual meaning behind “ORIGINAL SIN.”
The Viking Y-DNA Project was initiated in Stockholm in December 2004 as an offshoot of the Scandinavian Y-DNA Project. The project noticed that many Americans of Norman, English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish ancestry are quite obviously of Scandinavian descent, although they do not have any family records or other official documents to prove it. With the help of genetic testing many of them might soon be able to link up with their Scandinavian siblings and the kin of their forefathers.
As time went on the dark haired races, such as the Sea People, bred into or with the Scandinavian races to form a variety of people groups such as the Basques, Anglo-Saxons, Scythians, and Aryans etc.
“In the English towns, the most striking thing was the sheer scale of Saxon genetic input.† "Our conclusion from the figures," says Mark Thomas of the Viking Y-DNA Project, “is that there was between 50% and 100% replacement of indigenous men by migrating Anglo-Saxons." “If true, this was an achievement beyond the blood-lust of even the maddest modern tyrant.† How could it have been achieved?
"When we look at the Y-chromosomes in Wales and Ireland, we find a very close match with the Basques.”† Other genetic evidence, he says, strongly suggests that the Basques are the descendants of the Paleolithic inhabitants of Western Europe prior to the arrival of farmers between 9,000 and 6,000 years ago”.†
“In the English towns, the most striking thing was the sheer scale of Saxon genetic input.† "Our conclusion from the figures," says Mark Thomas, "is that there was between 50% and 100% replacement of indigenous men by migrating Anglo-Saxons." “If true, this was an achievement beyond the blood-lust of even the maddest modern tyrant.† How could it have been achieved?”
When you look at the map above you will see that before the “Earth Moved” and before the Ice Age, part of Europe was also connected to Africa by a LAND BRIDGE. The ancient histories of all the major nations and religions on earth mention a time when several races of mankind lived in a temperate paradise at what is now the North Pole. All ancient races referred to Hyperborea as a paradise, a “GARDEN OF EDEN,” region. These legends tell us that the Scandinavian race was the original race in Hyperborea until the gods came down and started to rape and manipulate the DNA of the original Scandinavians.
The second group of Scandinavian people who appear to have had the PURE Rh Negative blood factor, migrate out of Hyperborea before the last Ice Age into the Scandinavia countries and northern Europe. This group left after the first group of hybrid Hyperboreans were TOSSED OUT. We will be focusing on the second hybrid group in this article.
The first group was forced out of Hyperborea for mingling with these evil entities we wrongly call aliens today. This first hybrid group migrated into areas ancient peoples called Atlantis, Lumeria, etc. The races all over the world we call Indians today were called Adams, the races of black people were known as the Eves. Parts of Africa are associated with Atlantis.
These Adams and Eves include the Siberians, Africans, Polynesians, and Indians etc. The Adams migrated into North America and become the Indians of North America. When you DO YOUR HOMEWORK what you will find is that some of not all American Indians have bloodline links to the Mediterranean Region and Africa, this is not a coincidence.
The dark haired peoples moved into the world and occupied an area known as Atlantis and Lumeria, which do NOT appear to be separate continents which are all under water today. When you see the “Earth Is Growing” maps it is clear that these landmasses never existed as separate continents from the 7 we have today. This tells us that the Atlantians and Lumerians occupied territories that exist today such as Antarctica, Alaska, Iceland, Greenland, North America, Africa, the Canary Islands, Asia and Polynesia etc. As a matter of fact, one of the early maps of Hyperborea looks almost identical to the Antarctic region. Knowing that our earth was once one big landmass, we are now able to see how it possible for these tribes to migrate onto all continents.
During a period in history known as the Dark Ages, which happened around 1200 - 800 B.C. The “Tribe of Dan” was shipped into Western Europe with the aid of the Phoenicians from the Mediterranean Sea at about the same time in history. They came into Spain, France (Languedoc Area of France).
We also know that the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel known as the Hebrews migrated into Europe and became a blended group who would later become known as the Scythian aka Aryan Races. They migrated into Europe from the Caucasus and Carpathian mountain ranges while the Tribe of Dan into Spain, France and the British Isles from the Mediterranean Sea.
We do know that the Phoenicians helped transport the Tribe of Dan into Spain, France, and the British Isles by way of the “Sea Route,” from the Middle East. We can determine from history that the Phoenicians appear to be the Siberians of Russia, the Yakuts, Sakha and the Buryats. THEY ARE THE SAME RACE WITH THE SAME DNA. They have the same spiritual and historical traditions: the same names of landforms, rivers, etc., How is possible that no one noticed this and why has this knowledge been LOCKED IN A CLOSET.