Your Blood Type: Please select an option... Strength: Please select an option...
Metabolism: Please select an option... Blood Pressure: Please select an option...
Current Health: Please select an option... Childhood Health: Please select an option...
How many hours of sleep per night do you get on average? Please enter information... (HOURS)
Do you feel it is? Please select an option...
Do you dream? Please select an option...
Do you remember them? Please select an option...
What was your favorite toy? Please enter information...
Did you have any collections? Please select an option... If Yes, What? Please enter information...
What were your favorite school subjects? Please enter information...
How do you react to Percocet?
Please check... Normal Please check... Strong Reaction Please check... Reverse Reaction Please check... Doesn't Work Please check... Allergic Please check... Get a Yeast Infection
Please check... Mouth Soars or Swelling Please check... Side Effects Please check... Bowel Issues Please check... OTHER Please check... Never Used it
How do you react to Vicodin?
How do you react to Motrin?
How do you react to sleep aids?
How do you react to birth control?
How do you react to Anti-Biotics?
Please check... Normal Please check... Strong Reaction Please check... Reverse Reaction Please check...__parser__boolean_attribute_value__parser__ Doesn't Work Please check... Allergic Please check... Get a Yeast Infection
How do you react to RhoGAM?
Rheumatic Fever? Please select an option...
Black Plague Survivors? Please select an option...
Rh-Negative Factor? Please select an option...
Delta 32 Mutation? Please select an option...
HLA-B27 Positive? Please select an option...
Ankylosing Spondylitis? Please select an option...
Spondyloarthropathy Issues? Please select an option...
Irriatable Bowel Syndrome?Please select an option... '
Undiagnosed Pain? Please select an option...
Auto Immune Issues? Please select an option...
Crohns Disease? Please select an option...
Grave's Disease? Please select an option...
Tyroid Issues? Please select an option...
Heart Problems? Please select an option...
Hormonal Issues? Please select an option...
Premature Hair Greying or Color Loss? Please select an option...
Asthma? Please select an option...
No or Missing Wisdom Teeth? Please select an option...
Cateracts? Please select an option...
Astigmatism? Please select an option...
Genetic Disorder? Please select an option...
Pink Eye or Conjuctivitis Symptoms/Issues? Please select an option...
Iron Level Issue? Please select an option...
Copper Level Issue? Please select an option...
Blood Issues? Please select an option...
Rheumatic Issues/Arthritis? Please select an option...
Achilles Tendon Pain?Please select an option...
Osteoarthritis? Please select an option...
Osteoporosis? Please select an option...
Joint Pain? Please select an option...
Swelling? Please select an option...
Insomnia? Please select an option...
Mental Issues/Lables? Please select an option...
Bacterial Infections? Please select an option...
Excessive Natural Cracking of your Bones? Please select an option...
Kidney Stones? Please select an option...
Skin Issues? Please select an option...
Migraines? Please select an option...
Recurring UTI or Bladder Infection's? Please select an option...
Diabetes? Please select an option...
Cancer? Please select an option...
Autism? Please select an option...
Trouble Conceiving? Please select an option...
Blue Baby or Duffy Babies? Please select an option...
Spontanious Miscarriage? Please select an option...
Toxemia? Please select an option...
Early Delivery? Please select an option...
Extreme Water Retension? Please select an option...
Baby born with/gets Jaundice? Please select an option...
Ceribral Palsy? Please select an option...
Twins or Multiple Births? Please select an option...
Other? Explain....Please select an option...
Your Mother Please enter information...
Maternal Grandmother Please enter information...
Maternal Grandfather Please enter information...
Your Father Please enter information...
Paternal Grandmother Please enter information...
Paternal Grandfather Please enter information...
Do you feel you have any Genetic Memory or feel drawn towards any specific subject, person, place, etc? Please select an option...
If Yes, Please Share....
Please enter information...
Have you ever taken an IQ test? Please select an option... Score? Please enter information...
Do you get bit by mosquito's? Please select an option...
Are your a person of faith in a supreme creator/being? Please select an option...
Do you believe you have a purpose here? Please select an option...