Origin Theories of the Rare Rh-Negative Blood Factor
An Atlantean Connection?
Plato's Island of Atlantis, Edgar Casey & Haplogroup X

Is it possible that Rh-Negative people are descendants of those who scattered for safety when Atlantis disappeared from the map? There are some people who believe there is a connection between the "lost civilization" of Atlantis to Haplogroup X and the Berber and Basque civilizations; who happen to have the highest concentration of Rh-Negative blood in there modern population on the planet. There is evidence that some very interesting things happen on our planet about 10,000 years ago. They are acknowledged but not always explained well and the connections might tell us more about the origin of the Rh-Negative blood type. For instance, Rh-Negative people are known to have higher concentrations in people with blue and green eyes. Green eyes only exist because of the mixing of brown eyes and blue eyes. "According to a team of researchers from the
Copenhagen University, a single mutation which arose as recently as 6-10,000 years ago was responsible for all the blue-eyed people alive on Earth today. The team, whose research is published in the journal of human Genetics, identified a single mutation in a gene called the OCA2, which arose by chance somewhere around the northwest coasts of the Black Sea in one single individual, about 8,000 years ago." Could this be related to the migration of the Atlantean people after the destruction of Atlantis? Could we be the descendants of this lost civilization of people who are believed to be connected to almost all other origin stories told about us?

Plato told stories in 429-327 BCE of a legendary island, which he actually describes as a large Continent near the Strait of Gibralter, called Atlantis. He described a grand and advanced civilization, technologically advanced and bountful, which was ultimately sunk beneath the ocean by the Gods. An earlier passage in history about Atlantis is spoken in a dialogue by Critias, who was a Sophist like Plato, who lived between 460 and 403 BCE. The timeline of the tale elongates, as he says the story is true and was vouched for by Solon, a Greek statesman and poet who lived between 640 and 560 BCE. Solon is said to have heard the tales of Atlantis during his travel in Egypt from a priestly scholar. The Egyptian priest supposedly told him that the story spanned 9,000 years before Plato wrote his tale of Atlantis. That would make the timeline of Atlantis falling as a Civilization about 10,000 years ago. So what happened on Planet Earth 10,000 years ago and did it cause the Atlantean people to flee a sinking home...and could those people be our Ancestors?
Enter the Modern World! Science, research, psychic readings and a magnificent tale that still captures the attention of it audience. The most documented Psychic of the 20th Century and Medical Clairvoyant, Mr. Edgar Cayce, who live during 1877 and 1945 gave hundreds of "Psychic Readings" that mention in great detail, the "Lost Continent of Atlantis" and it's people. His readings revealed specifics about Atlantis including it's size, location, geographical description, superior technology and even when and where we would find proof of it's existence in the future! According to Cayce, Atlantis was destroyed by volcanic and earthquake-like explosions suffered over three occasions occurring in 50,700 BC, 28,000 BC and lastly at 10,000 BC.
According to Author John Fuhler in "American Indians and the Edgar Cayce Readings"; Eleven thousand years ago, an even that would forever change the face of North America occurred: A mother with an exceptionally rare genetic marker bore a daughter, who passed along the same genetic marker to her daughter's. This particular genetic marker (Haplogroup X2) directly links the peoples of Northeastern North America to the peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa. Currently the actual migration route by which this was achieved is unknown inasmuch as contemporary archaeology is concerned. What can be demonstrated by geneticists is the populations with this specific genetic marker migrated out of Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean into Eurasia and North America around or after the last Glacial Maximum. Cased on the nature of the mutations distinguished the American from the Middle Eastern form of this genetic marker, these populations arrived in North American no later than 11,000 years ago.
Why is mitochondrial DNA important and what does it tell us? Mitochondrial DNA is often referred to as MtDNA, it can tell us about our distant relatives and migration patterns because of the unique paths of inheritance. Different than Autosomal DNA, MtDNA and Y DNA do not mix with the other parents DNA and there for show direct migration patterns. For a long time there were four major Native American haplogroups referred to as A, B, C and D. With advances in research and the help of the Native American people, a 5th haplogroup was found, called X. It has challenged the accepted historical migration pattern of people into the America's. A small percentage of Native American Tribes fit into this new halpogroup including the Yakima and Sioux in the Northwest and the Navajo in the Southwest, and it was only about 5% of their people. Larger concentrations of up to 25% were found in the Ojibway, Oneota and Nuu-Chah-Nulth tribes. The vast majority of Native American tribes had no X members? In Central and South American it was absent. What does this mean? We are learning that we may not know the truth about how we populated North America and where we came from before we got here.
Researchers associated with Edgar Cayce Association (A.R.E) shared that some of this new DNA evidence supported information found in the "Atlantis Readings" that Mr. Cayce gave during the 1930's. According to his readings, some of the refugees of Atlantis immigrated to the northeastern parts of the US to form the Iroquis Nation. It was in those tribes that the highest concentration of haplogroup X was found. The haplogroup X is also found in approximately 7% of native Europeans and about 3% of Native Americans in North America. It is found in about 2% of population in Europe, the near East and North Africa, particularly among the Eqyptians.
More research is needed but there seems to be an abundance of evidence that we could be descendants of this lost civilization. The Basques are an ethnic group who live in the areas bordering the Bay of Biscay, extending into the western edge of the Pyrenees Mountains that straddle parts of north-central Spain and south-western France. It would have been a god place to seek refuge from a sinking Atlantis. There is a well shared Basque legend, called the Aintzine-koak. It tells about the seafaring forefathers of the ancient Basque people arriving in the Bay of Biscay after the “Green Isle,” Atlanitika sank under the waves. Atlantida is a national Basque poem describing their ancient greatness in Atlaintika, its fiery collapse into the sea with most of its inhabitants, and the voyage of survivors to southwestern Europe. (Source)
Keep reading and searching for answers! There is so much more to this story and we still don't know why we are different or where we come from...
Plato's Island of Altantis Plato, Timaeus 24e - 25d (trans. Bury) (C4th B.C.)
Edgar Cayce Psychic Reading Aprl 28th, 1932 regarding Atlantis. Read More
DNA Evidence for Atlantis? Beyond the Bering StraitRead More
Native American Haplogroup X2a Solutrean, Herbrew or Beringian?Read More
Blood of the Gods
Interesting article by the late Mabel Royce, Copyright 1976
Found at:
Are you an Rh Negative blood type? If so you could be a descendant of the ancient astronauts themselves!
About a year and a half ago my sister Bonnie and I were discussing some of the unusual characteristics of our family. Bonnie had a problem with infants haemolytic disease. She has 0 negative blood. She has written a book including this problem called "The Deux" by Venus Thaddeus. One of the questions we asked was why does this haemolytic disease occur? Why, along with the Rh negative blood does our family have such a high IQ (135-140 average). Why so many psychic experiences? Why this urge to ask "why?" Why the early maturity or the large head and eyes? Why have, we always felt we were "different" from other people. And so many other things to set us apart.
We were raised in the church, but we never received answers to the questions we asked. Why doesn't anyone else ask these same questions? We are not satisfied with the answer "just because". Are there others out there who ask the same questions? Then we heard about the possibility of the ancient astronauts and the pieces started to fall into place.
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The Annunaki: Enki & Enlil
Found at:
This is an excerpt from the book 'Keeper of the Celtic Secrets:'
Finally, [from "Keeper of the Celtic Secrets"], knowledge about the origins of the major races, who call the Earth home, is being shared with others. You must keep an open mind - stay out of your cave now, or you won't be able to grasp the wisdom being presented here.
Yes, Virginia, there really were E.T.'s, who do you think provided the wisdom to build the pyramids, give us mathematical equations, science and astronomy? Are you ready for some real wisdom? OK - Good. As per old family journals containing knowledge from ancient Ireland, the origin of races are as follows:
1) Caucasoid, or the WHITE races, descend from the Anunnaki, including the Elohiym godhead. And yes, the ancient Israelites, are actually descendants of the Elohiym royal family.
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Lloyd Pye: Everything you know is wrong 1/14 | Genetic Defects Explained... |
To read more about the story of Enki,
click here.
Jesus (Yashua’s) Nazarene
Found on:
Written by: Neil (Unknown)
We wonder today if there is a bloodline group alive today that has the same bloodline that Jesus (Yashua) was born with and I SAY YES. This bloodline is not large in number but they represent about 10% of the global populations and can be found primarily in the United State but on all continents as well.
These descendents have a rare blood factor and have prehistoric ancestors that can be tracked back to an area in the world known as the “Garden.” This original people group on earth were what we refer to today as Scandinavians. Believe it or not, the oldest mummies all over the world had blonde hair, which also tells us that our original ancestors were Scandinavians. I mean all of us. It does not matter what color your skin is today, your original ancestors on earth were Scandinavian. When Jesus (Yashua) said we were all brothers he meant it literally.
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Was King Tut Rh- Type A2 with HLA-B27 related conditions.
Found at:
Written by:Jon Hamilton "Frail & Sickly, King Tut Suffered Through Life"
Published February 16, 2010
King Tutankhamen, known as Egypt's boy pharaoh, probably spent much of his life in pain before dying at 19 from the combined effects of malaria and a broken leg, scientists say. Tut also had a cleft palate and a curved spine, and was probably weakened by inflammation and problems with his immune system, they say. In other articles they also reference bone disease and a clubbed foot. Malaria is generally said to be one of the diseases related to the mutation of the Rh-Factor.
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King Tutankhamen's R1b Caucasian Origins
An Ancient Egyptian Connection.
Found at:
Written by:Ker Than for
National Geographic News Published February 16, 2010
King Tut may be seen as the golden boy of ancient
Egypt today, but during his reign, Tutankhamun wasn't exactly a strapping sun god.
Instead, a new DNA study says, King Tut was a frail pharaoh, beset by malaria and a bone disorder—his health possibly compromised by his newly discovered incestuous origins. (King Tut Pictures: DNA Study Reveals Health Secrets.)
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An Argument I Found That Goes Against a Connection.
Blood Types - Debunking the appropriation of Ancient Egyptian Heritage by Neo Nazis
Written by: No Author Listed
Debunking the appropriation of Ancient Egyptian heritage by Neo-Nazis and their sympathizers
Across the web, Neo-Nazis labor to appropriate the ancient Egyptian heritage, and prove a "white Nordic" Egypt using thinly disguised "blood type analysis" reminiscent of the Hitler era. The presence of blood type A for example is held to signify "the white Nordic character" of the Egyptians. The presence of the A2 and its "MN antigens" is held to show a "white Nordic" King Tut. This misinformed "racial science" would be laughable were it not being spammed across the web as "fact." This page debunks Neo-Nazi racial fantasies and its racist appropriation of the ancient Egyptian heritage.
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